View Profile 45Percent
I started animating late 2006 and produced an insult to the sighted world so gave up until early 2008, since then animation and art have become a enjoyment rather than a chore. I've now started creating games and feel I've improved in Flash a hole lot :D

Age 30, Male



Joined on 3/28/08

Exp Points:
1,220 / 1,350
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5.31 votes
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45Percent's News

Posted by 45Percent - September 14th, 2009

+Attention all+
To my friends on Newgrounds I say good bye.
Unfortunately due to a crunch on time I must leave NG.
My life has become to hectic for animating and art or even for browsing so I hope this explains my recent lack of postings and or input to NG.

I would like to apologize to all those in the NG SMILEY COLLAB, but I can not continue with it, I feel it was dead anyways, but if your reading this and want to take control of the collab, fell free to do so.
PM me if it ever gets released :)

Some day I may return, perhaps when I get a new tablet, or maybe when i get a burst of free time.
But until that day I say this:
"Thanks for the laughs, thanks for the reviews, thanks for the good times, and thanks for watching my shit :P"

See ya round.

-45percent :]

Posted by 45Percent - March 30th, 2009

Finally I have a B.A 3.50 so I can begin doing collab's!
You can't expect many collab's coming your way from me but for now there's this one.
The NG Smiley Collab!
Here's the basic idea:
Have you ever noticed the message mood smiley that appear when your writing a PM?
Of course you have! or if you haven't I have attached a JPEG to clear thing a up for ya :S
Basically I need animators to animate shorts to go with the theme of each smiley.
Eg: the crying face animation a would have something sad happening, the surprised face something surprising and so on.

The criteria is fairly simple and flexible so if your a good animator check it out!
If you have any question feel free to ask via PM, the thread or in your comment :3

Spread the word and join the NG SMILEY COLLAB today!


Posted by 45Percent - February 22nd, 2009

There's so much going on in my world right now, many of it relating to Newgrounds so just keep you posted here's whats going on:

DoTz 2:
The new DOTZ is nearing completion, luckily we now have Artist-Lost on board so that should make the last few jobs that much easier.
At 90% complete, all that's left is to get those last few character sketch's done and we'll be up and running.
One looming issue is that DOTZ 2 is currently 20mb+!!!
And that's with full compression on, on the up side a friend of mine is going to host it on his site, and then we can link it to a swf which we will submit to NG.
So we can do it, but if any one knows any advanced compression techniques, let me know ;)

User Images:
I've updated my user images in the spirit of the new year.
I now have a fresh, User Page Banner, Profile Picture and DP, and the Forum Signature is almost done.
What do ya think of them?

Madness Tribute:
I'm also working on a Madness Tribute, Its called "Madness Impact" Before its submitted I will get "Krinkles" Approval, as it is his general look I am using and I don't won't upset anybody.
There's a screen shot bellow, so tell me your opinion.
And can I just say this; holy hell Matt it must have been damn hard to make the series :S

Untitled Game:
Currently for school, I am working on a assignment which involves me making something that I enjoy and am good at (Not bragging or anything :P ).
So I'm making a Side Scroller with Hobo-Town .
If all goes well it'll have about 3-5 levels, a world map, enemies, and perhaps even a level up system!!
I'll keep you up to date with our progress on it and if all goes to plan it should be finished and submitted in about 7 weeks.
As you may have already assumed it has no name but don't let that fool you in to thinking it wont happen, its well on the way and I'll get a screen shot up ASAP.

I am re designing my website( Home Bases.net ).
It will now have a new color scheme, will be made on a combination of Dream Weaver and FLASH and be 100% original (as apposed to a freewebs.com theme)
Though I mentioned months ago that I was doing this, It is only getting underway now due to technical issues, but this time its happening for real :P

Danny Bhoy:
The funniest guy on earth.
2 weeks ago I went to see him perform live with my mate JKAmovies.
He's a Scottish comedian, but he sounds Irish and looks Indian ( sound funny already huh :P ).
He'll make you laugh no matter what, and he leave you with your sides splitting.
I even lost my voice from laughing so much, next time he comes to your neighborhood check him out, you wont regret it :D

That's all for now, but keep checking in cause I'll keep you as up to date as I can :D
Just to keep you entertained until next time:

/* */

Work,Play,Laugh, Learn :D

Posted by 45Percent - January 19th, 2009

On February 2nd the whole world will end.
Well not really :S
That's the day me and many of my friends return to school.
Unfortunately, due to this the input of content to NG from me will be put on hold for a while.
But don't think that you've seen the last of me.
Upcoming titles are:
"DOTZ 2"
"How To Add Snaz 2- The video edition"
"The Newgrounds Add"
"System Failure Part 2-The Ultimate reboot"

These titles are all currently under production and may take a while still to be released but in time they will come :)
This is me saying: have a good one :D


DOTZ 2 is nearing completion with only a few thing left to be put in place.
Here is a preview of the Title Screen:

The sad and irritating truth

Posted by 45Percent - November 23rd, 2008

Hey NG,
Just checking in to say hi.
Lately I'm editing my website ( I starting to use Dream weaver, so there is a definite element of challenge) so I am not doing very much animating.
I am working on the System Failure Part 2 and that's coming along well (sorry no spoilers just yet :p ),
And I am also currently studying a book on action script 3.0 so the games should start following in soon enough.
Also guess what....I made a couple of songs for the audio portal, YAY.
There entitled +#Fully Moded#+ and %The Last Beat On Earth%
Here's the links:
Fully Moded
The Last beat on Earth

What do you think of them?
Check out the Note Pad Collab!
Submit your art into a virtual note book!
Also, Like my new side pic?? (Profile Picture)

Posted by 45Percent - November 2nd, 2008

I customized a page in my real website (non related to Newgrounds) to have my own more detailed
User Page.
Its full of news, Art, Flash's never published on NG, Even a "today's top flash pick"section with a my favorite flash of the day.
To see it just click on the to Homebases under "contact info" on the left side of the screen or click on this link here: http://www.homebases.net/45percent.htm

Posted by 45Percent - October 27th, 2008

First the good news:
Ive changed my header and user images for try! (please comment on them)

Now the bad news: The other day the hard drive containing my .fla folder became corrupt!! :(
Luckily I was able to recovery most of the files using various recovery programs and recovery techniques but alas the Lost City game .fla was lost.
Fortunately I have recovered an older copy of the .fla so the game will continue to be made but I have lost a week or so's progress, so the release will be delayed :(

But life goes on, so we can all keep smiling ! :p


Posted by 45Percent - October 22nd, 2008

I'm (as the subject suggests) making a new game called "The Lost City"
If I can finish it in time I'll put it in the Halloween Comp, But I doubt it.
The game is a RPG sort of thing were you walk around, at a side on view, moving a little character about killing monsters.
Any way, I won't spoil things but here is a glimpse of it:

(Title Screen)

Yay I'm making a new game

Posted by 45Percent - October 19th, 2008

I made a new game :}
Go here to check it out: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

hope you enjoy it.

P.S Here's a random picture I drew in flash:

New game!!!

Posted by 45Percent - October 6th, 2008

Unfortunately System Failure 2 is well.......at a dead end (to put it bluntly).
And I believe you cant force ideas for flash.
Basically the flash will be put on Newgrounds when ever I get a bit of inspiration.
I will still keep posting new flash movies games but just not System failure.
